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McLaren Nu-Air® Super Slick (SS) Solid Wheel Loader Tires 18.00-25 for Sale


McLaren Nu-Air Super Slick (SS) 18.00-25 (64X18-25) Tire Size:

  • McLaren Nu-Air Super Slick (SS): The McLaren SS is a the most economical choice when working primarily on flat surfaces like cement, asphalt or concrete. Sometimes, no tread is the best tread for flat on-road environments. A smooth tire has no tread to wear out and they will last longer than dirt terrain wheel loader tires when used on flat cement, asphalt and concrete.

  • Best applications of McLaren’s Nu-Air Super Slick (SS) tire: on-road flat smooth environments like concrete, cement, or asphalt.

  • SS Available Sizes: 17.5×25 (53X17.5-25), 18.00-25 (64X18-25), 20.5×25 (58X20.5-25), 23.5×25 (63X23.5-25) and 26.5×25 (68X26.5-25) sizes

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